Detecting Termite in the Home Before Its Too Late


One of the biggest threats to your house comes in the form of tiny pests that silently and invisibly consume or live in wood. Knowing the early signs of termite’s helps homeowners detect, protect and prevent total devastation that this pest can cause if allowed to feed on your home or building.

Detecting early signs of requires checking the areas where termites would feed. Checking outside in the garden would show signs in dead leaves, tree stumps and the soil for mud holes. Check, for entranceway into your walls by way of the siding, may sure you have know cracks or spaces for termites to enter.

Because not all termite infestations are visible, detecting the annoying wood eaters may require a little time and a careful eye. They live and feed in your walls, under your floors and other areas of your home, even your furniture depending on what type of termites you may have. Checking for mud holes and feces piles helps in determining if you have termites.

“If you don’t catch them early, you’re setting yourself up to spend a lot more on both treatmentand repairs than you otherwise would,” says Ron Harrison, technical director at Orkin.

By doing monthly checks of your home, you can prevent termite infestations that will cost you more money, not only for the exterminating process, but you may have to replace areas of your home that have received severe damage and become structurally unstable.
Signs of subterranean termite damage

Subterranean termites dwell underground in loose, damp soil. Although subterranean termite species in Africa are famously aggressive and known for the obvious mounds above their colonies, signs of subterranean termite damage within the United States are much less obvious.

Interior damage may not become apparent until infestations are full-blown. Termite damage sometimes appears similar to water damage. Outward signs of termite damage include buckling wood, swollen floors and ceilings, areas that appear to be suffering from slight water damage and visible mazes within walls or furniture. Termite infestations also can exude a scent similar to mildew or mold.

Subterranean termites also access aboveground food sources through mud tunnels they create from saliva, mud and feces. These tunnels are located near the foundation of infested homes.
Signs of drywood termite damage

Drywood termites build their colonies within wooden structures on which they feed. They can be found inside of walls or furniture. Drywood termite infestations may only become apparent after a colony has burrowed so deeply into an infested item that the veneer cracks and the maze-like tunnels beneath become visible. Such damage is common in antique furniture pieces. Should this occur on new furniture or the floors or walls of your home, contact a pest control professional to discuss the severity of your infestation, as well as extermination options.

Because termites are often not identified before considerable damage has occurred, it is advised that homeowners experiencing a termite infestation contact a pest control professional before attempting to address the problem on their own. Professionals will conduct an inspection in order to correctly identify the problem and will then discuss possible avenues of treatment with homeowners.

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